Windows XP. Bah.

On my Windows box, it runs some funky “welcome screen” thing each time it wakes from the screensaver. I suppose that’s a feature, but what bugs me about it is if I click the “shutdown the computer” button, it says “There are people logged onto this computer. Do you really want to shut down.” The … Continue reading “Windows XP. Bah.”

On my Windows box, it runs some funky “welcome screen” thing each time it wakes from the screensaver. I suppose that’s a feature, but what bugs me about it is if I click the “shutdown the computer” button, it says “There are people logged onto this computer. Do you really want to shut down.”

The thing is, there aren’t “people” logged on. There’s just one, and it’s me. So instead of checking who is logged on, noticing there’s only one, and saying “McQ is logged onto this computer…” so I can shutdown without stress, I end up worrying if someone has rshell’ed in from somewhere and is hacking my machine.

It’s a perfect example of the design ethic at Microsoft.

One thought on “Windows XP. Bah.”

  1. My perfect Mac advertisment against Windows Vista would be a series on shabby makeovers. For example, I see an old farmhouse with windows that could use some new paint (Windows XP), then college pro painters and shazam, new paint (Windows Vista).

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