Category: Family

  • Eclipse 3.1 is out

    Eclipse R3.1 is out the door. Actually, it went yesterday at around noon. I just checked the downloads page and we’ve gone past the 200,000 mark. Wow.

    Update (August 8, 2005): We crossed the million download mark last weekend. Forty days. Wow!

  • Palm, the LifeDrive and the Universal Keyboard

    Well. I picked up the LifeDrive yesterday. It has a very nice screen, and is reasonably fast when it wants to be. I am definitely seeing the issue that others have described: frequent pauses as it accesses the HD. I don’t think this will bother me in the longer term, but it will take some getting used to.

    I also bought one of the Universal Keyboards. I honestly think this is the nicest of the Palm keyboards yet. Very usable, with a full 4 rows of keys. The only issue is it’s quite heavy. Probably not enough to stop me from keeping it in my bag, however.

  • T.G.I.F!

    This has been a heck of a week. I’m exhausted.

  • Link to Ken’s pictures.

    Ken posted some pictures of last night’s lan party on his SplashBlog site.

  • The GCW Lan Party

    Guild Oie Jedoonee is getting together IRL!

    Everyone who was available is coming over to my house today for burgers, beer, and much World of Warcraft playing. I’ve got enough room for 6 or 7 machines. If we need more than that, it’s going to get messy. I guess we’ll have to see. I have network connections for 9, but I’m also running wireless which will work well enough for people with laptops.

    Randy is bringing over a long table which will hold 2 for sure, maybe 2 + a laptop. Most people will have card chairs to sit on, though. 🙁

  • My dad is home

    My dad is home from the hospital! Apparently, they eventually managed to grow a culture, so they slapped a matching anti-biotic on him and, sure enough, he got better. I chatted with him online yesterday. Apparently he was catching up with his email: about 20 messages. Imagine being away from your email for nearly a week and only finding 20 messages when you get back. 🙂

    In any case, I’m glad he’s home. Thanks to all who said a prayer for him.

  • My dad is in the hospital.

    I’m worried about him.

    Believers out there should feel free to say a prayer for his quick recovery.

  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day to all who fit the description. 🙂

    Deb’s family is coming over for a BBQ today — two kinds of steak, chicken and spicy sausages — in honour of the day. My family was supposed to come as well, but Anne is down with an abysmally bad headcold, so we’re going to hold off visiting with them until next week. That’s still ten people, so it should be fun. Zoe isn’t coming, though. She’s lots of fun to have along but somehow three big dogs seems to cause about three times the confusion of just two. Maybe next time.

  • No Tigers here

    I picked up Tiger last night, but the DVD in the box was corrrupt. I tried cleaning it with a lens grade cleaning cloth (radial strokes only), and then tried it in both my Macs. In each case, it failed the “verifying your DVD” check at the 68% mark. I’m going to go down to the Mac shop again today to see if they still have any copies left that I can swap for.

    On a related note: I’m going to back up this site (and the MySQL database that WordPress runs on) before I upgrade. I haven’t heard of any problems getting it all running on Tiger, but if you can’t find us for a while over the next few days, at least you’ll know why.

  • Knitter’s road trip

    Deb is away Thursday to Sunday this week. She and the Knit Wits are off doing whatever it is that they do when at Brown’s Bay. What I really like about that is that it’s proof that she’s mostly mended from the operation. Yay!