Category: McQ

  • T.G.I.F!

    This has been a heck of a week. I’m exhausted.

  • Link to Ken’s pictures.

    Ken posted some pictures of last night’s lan party on his SplashBlog site.

  • The GCW Lan Party

    Guild Oie Jedoonee is getting together IRL!

    Everyone who was available is coming over to my house today for burgers, beer, and much World of Warcraft playing. I’ve got enough room for 6 or 7 machines. If we need more than that, it’s going to get messy. I guess we’ll have to see. I have network connections for 9, but I’m also running wireless which will work well enough for people with laptops.

    Randy is bringing over a long table which will hold 2 for sure, maybe 2 + a laptop. Most people will have card chairs to sit on, though. 🙁

  • No Tigers here

    I picked up Tiger last night, but the DVD in the box was corrrupt. I tried cleaning it with a lens grade cleaning cloth (radial strokes only), and then tried it in both my Macs. In each case, it failed the “verifying your DVD” check at the 68% mark. I’m going to go down to the Mac shop again today to see if they still have any copies left that I can swap for.

    On a related note: I’m going to back up this site (and the MySQL database that WordPress runs on) before I upgrade. I haven’t heard of any problems getting it all running on Tiger, but if you can’t find us for a while over the next few days, at least you’ll know why.

  • The season is over.

    Divertimento played their last two concerts for the season this weekend. The Friday night concert was ok, but the Saturday concert was considerably better. Luckily, my family all came to the Saturday night show. Both concerts were recorded, and CDs are being made.

    Now I have to switch gears and start thinking about practicing the pieces for Sandra (my cello teacher). I really would like to go back to the orchestra in the fall able to play better than I can now, not lousy from a summer of goofing off on my practice. I guess we’ll see how well that wish translates into reality.

  • My new bike

    In the better late than never dept…

    I got a new bike last week. It’s a softtail from Rocky Mountain Bicycles called a “Carve”. Very nice. There are some reviews of it here.

    Can’t find the original review site, but here is a pointer to a site with a description.

  • I was off work yesterday.

    I missed a day yesterday, with severe stomach problems. Given that Deb just finished a run of anti-biotics to take care of a similar problem, I was somewhat worried. However, I seem to be nearly 100% again today, so I suspect I may have just poisoned myself with the BBQ on the weekend. Must. Buy. Better. Hamburger.

  • PSP as a web browser

    Well I’ll be jiggered — it actually works! Check this out:

    Looks like only one font, and a bunch of missing features, but it rendered most of the pages I went to (including my homepage as shown above) well enough that it would be usable in a pinch. Not so sure about https, though — meaning it wouldn’t be a good choice for getting your mail remotely. Oh well, if it works this well, it’s definitely possible for them to put together an “internet suite”. I’d buy it.

  • Untold Legends

    Now this is my kind of PSP game. Good graphics, reasonable music, fast paced gameplay. It’s basically a cross between Diablo and Gauntlet. My only real complaint is that I can’t tilt the camera far enough to see down the corridor. If it supported an over the shoulder camera (a la World of Warcraft) it would be really sweet.

  • “The Champions”

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this vague recollection about a TV show about 3 people who had some kind of psychic powers that they used to fight crime. That was basically all I could remember, except that there was something about water shooting up into the air (like from a fire hose) in the opening credits.

    Quite by accident, I ended up surfing to Clivebanks where I finally learned the answer to this mystery. The show is called “The Champions”. You can read about it and a host of other random old sci-fi/fantasy shows by following that link. Anybody remember Joe 90?