Category: Site

Things specific to the GCW websites and related technologies

  • Sites, Blogs and Wiki

    Ok. I’m now running two blogs (one of them is this one), a genealogy site, and a wiki, in addition to a traditional web site on the G5. All seems to be going well, but I wonder if I really need that much capability for the little net presence that I actually have. Maybe I should get rid of the main site, and just hang a few more pages off of this one.

    One of the things I would need is some photo display capability. I have heard that Gallery 2 works well with both iPhoto and WordPress, so maybe I’ll try setting that up. Realistically, photos are the only thing left of interest on the main site.

  • Spam and missing comments

    Apologies to all if you have tried to comment lately and didn’t see your posts show up. I got behind on my spam control and ended up with >1000 posts I would have had to moderate, so I just punted them all. I’m on track again (and all the random drugs being offered on the net have been added to my black list filter), so you should be able to try again.

    Note: You only have to get one comment past moderation to start getting them posted automatically.

  • I know. I know!

    I realize I haven’t been posting lately. Things were busy at work and blah, blah, blah…

    Since we’re going to be traveling out east next week, I’ll be experimenting with posting while I’m away. Hopefully, I’ll even get some pictures up.

  • It’s quiet… too quiet.

    On a bit of a hiatus from posting while getting the Eclipse SDK R3.1 release out. Back in a week or so, unless something really cool happens. 🙂

  • Posted from my phone

    Well, actually not from my phone, but rather using my phone as a modem. Not something I could do too often given how exceedingly expensive my data service is, but it’s nice to know it will work in a pinch.

  • Back on Tiger

    The site has been restored on Tiger. There is still a bit of clean up to do, but it’s back. Happy Reading. 🙂

  • No Tigers here

    I picked up Tiger last night, but the DVD in the box was corrrupt. I tried cleaning it with a lens grade cleaning cloth (radial strokes only), and then tried it in both my Macs. In each case, it failed the “verifying your DVD” check at the 68% mark. I’m going to go down to the Mac shop again today to see if they still have any copies left that I can swap for.

    On a related note: I’m going to back up this site (and the MySQL database that WordPress runs on) before I upgrade. I haven’t heard of any problems getting it all running on Tiger, but if you can’t find us for a while over the next few days, at least you’ll know why.

  • Mac printing

    Great Castle Wilson is a mixed PC/Mac shop. I have one machine (the G5 that runs this site) on all the time, and I wanted to connect our printer to it. I had hoped to have all of the PCs print to it, but I was unable to convince them to, regardless of whether I used Samba or lpd printing. I finally just connected the printer to one of the PCs, turned on the LPD service and use IP printing on the Macs. The truly odd thing about this is that given (what obviously only appears to be) two identically configured Macs, one will happily print on the XP box, while the other one will not. *sigh*.

  • Whew!

    Ok. This time for sure.

    Getting MySQL and PHP installed: easy. Figuring out how to configure and install WordPress: no problem. Figuring out why WP thought my site should be called “G5.local”: now that was a problem.

    In case you were wondering, it was because that’s what hostname returns until you modify your /etc/hostconfig to not say “-AUTOMATIC-“. I mean, of course (!), how could I have been so stupid. 🙂