Tag: electric vehicle

  • EVCO

    I was out for my usual Saturday morning e-bike ride, when I decided out of the blue to stop for a coffee at the Second Cup on Merivale Road. As I was parking my bike, I was approached by a couple of gents who wanted to talk about the brand and my experiences.

    After chatting with them a bit it turns out they were members of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa (EVCO), which is a group of electric vehicle enthusiasts which meets regularly at various coffee shops around Ottawa.

    Today, they were checking out an electric Fiat 500 that one of the members had brought up from Montreal. As a past Abarth owner, I was very interested. It’s a nice looking mini car, which would be fine for zipping around the city, although I did wonder about range limitations versus driving from Montreal. Hm…

    Regardless, it’s always nice to see more people who understand the value of electric vehicles.