Tag: hardware

  • My new minimalist blogging platform

    The phone that Iā€™m always carrying around anyway, plus a really compact ā€” say about 2 stacked credit cards in size when folded up ā€” iPhone stand, plus a Logitech Keys-to-go.

    The Keys-to-go is surprisingly reasonable to type on. Iā€™m able to touch type at full speed.


    • Apologies for the potato quality photo. Since I was taking a picture of my phone, I had to use the webcam on my laptop to take the picture. šŸ™‚
    • Yes, I know the picture doesn’t show me blogging. I used the WordPress iPhone app to write this post, but the post wasn’t written when I took the picture, so…

  • Maker wannabee

    I did do a couple of actual, for reals, hardware things while I was on vacation, which for anyone who knows me has got to be pretty surprising :-). The first was to put together a little Arduino (actually Freeduino) board:

    I have vague plans to take this plus a DAC and produce a midi to CV converter, something like this.

    The other project was more prosaic, but probably more useful: I replaced the lawn light outside GCW. Really, this was just removing the old bits, repainting the post, then putting in a new light sensor and headpiece. The result actually looks pretty good:

    Anyway, nothing earthshaking there, but there’s nothing like a couple of successes to refuel your interest in making things again. Anybody want to help build an analog synthesizer?