So, I realized my last post was probably a bit confusing. The reason I was seeing issues with my older posts was that I had moved them to a new WordPress install because, as it happens, I have once again moved GCW to a new machine. This time, it’s another Raspberry Pi, but this new install has a few nice things going for it:
- It’s an 8Gig model. I don’t actually believe I need that much space to run a web server most of the time, but I am running quite a few web apps on it now, and depending on what was going on, I was seeing some peaks on the 4Gig one that were pushing into swap.
- It’s a brand new, fresh install on SSD. The old one was still running off a MicroSD card, with the website content stored on a separate SSD. Although this gave me lots of storage for the website, it meant that the install was just that tiny bit more complex than a standard one, so I was forever fiddling with it when updating, etc.
- It’s even smaller! I love the size of the finished result. Here’s a picture to give you the idea. Note the size of the ethernet jack on the side for scale.

This time around, I’ve only got 500Gig of storage for the whole install including the website, but I’m no where near hitting that limit yet, so I’m very happy.