Tag: switcher

  • We’re an all mac family!

    For those who aren’t following Deb’s twitter feed, the latest round of random, gratuitous Windows glitches/crashes that have afflicted her old Dell laptop has led to some great news:

    New laptop – PC to Mac. Good thing I’m sleeping with the IT guy!

    Yes, our last hold out has switched. We’re now all rocking MacBook Pros:

    • Dennis has the 2.5Ghz Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro that I was using until I got a new one a few weeks ago
    • I have the new i7, 15″ model
    • Deb got the i5, 15″ one (because, you know, mine needed to be the fastest. 😉 )

    Overall, this should make the home network IT tasks a lot simpler.

    We’ve got her contacts, calendar and favourites all moved over, as well as her email account set up so new mail goes there. I haven’t looked at moving her old mail over, but getting it out of Outlook 2003 is probably going to be no fun. Oh well, that’s tonight’s task[*].

    Unfortunately, it seems like there are still a small number of Windows apps that she will have to run, at least until we can find Mac replacements. The good news is those replacements appear to exist, but our budget has already taken quite a beating, so we’ll have to buy those incrementally. In the mean time, a copy of Parallels should keep her going.

    * Btw, if anyone has any words of wisdom about how to get mail from Outlook to Apple Mail, let me know.