New Years, Resolutions, and Weighing In

I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. But more than that, I’d like to remind us all that, for that wish to be fulfilled, we need to support and care for our friends and family; we are living in interesting times, and our love for each other is our best defense. Those of … Continue reading “New Years, Resolutions, and Weighing In”

I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. But more than that, I’d like to remind us all that, for that wish to be fulfilled, we need to support and care for our friends and family; we are living in interesting times, and our love for each other is our best defense.

Those of you who see me regularly know that I have been putting on weight lately. I’m currently over 250 pounds and, even for me, that much weight is a problem — the obvious indicator being that it is now difficult for me to get “crunched” enough to put on my snowboard boots. Ugh!

As such, I’ve decided to join the ranks of the New Year’s resolution makers:

I will lose 50 pounds this year.

Now, in general, I’m pretty good at sticking to a resolution (particularly, one that I’ve told the world about 🙂 ), but losing that much weight will be a challenge, so I am asking for your support. Please feel free to remind me if you see me acting in a way that would run counter to the goal. I won’t let it happen deliberately, but it’s certainly possible that I just might not notice.

Wish me luck.


4 thoughts on “New Years, Resolutions, and Weighing In”

  1. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading The Hacker’s Diet (it’s a free web-book).

    If you want to track your weight on your Treo, it is accompanied by an app called Eat Watch. If you’d rather use your iPhone, I’ve written an app that does the same statistics, FatWatch:

    Also, it may help to remember that “lose 50 lbs” is really an outcome, not an action, and it may help to think about a set of habits you can measure, like “not eating after 8pm” or “go jogging once a week”.

  2. Thanks for the info, Benjamin. It’s possible that your comment was just a veiled ad for your iPhone software, but you provided enough content that I’m happy to approve it anyway. This isn’t a commercial site, so please try to keep product placements to a minimum. 🙂

    I did take a quick look at FatWatch. Functionality aside, I’d have to say that Weightbot wins on UI slickness, at least. You should check it out.

  3. There was a little bit of self promotion, I admit, but I wouldn’t have bothered if I didn’t believe what I was saying.

    I agree, Weightbot is slick, but if you really want to lose 50 lbs, I wouldn’t recommend putting functionality aside. 🙂 I put a lot of work into FatWatch’s design, too, it just doesn’t look as exciting because I mostly stuck to standard UI components.

    Anyway, if you want to take a longer look, send me an email and I’ll mail you a promo code so you can download a copy of FatWatch for free.

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