Well, that was painful.

We’re back! It took longer than it should have because I decided to do a full wipe and re-install on the server. Aside from some complexity around getting PHP and MySQL to agree on where the MySQL socket was, this wasn’t too bad. [Ok, I admit it, it sucked big time.] I’m sure I’ll be … Continue reading “Well, that was painful.”

We’re back!

It took longer than it should have because I decided to do a full wipe and re-install on the server. Aside from some complexity around getting PHP and MySQL to agree on where the MySQL socket was, this wasn’t too bad. [Ok, I admit it, it sucked big time.] I’m sure I’ll be tweaking it for a while yet (and re-installing a ton of random apps), but at least the sites are back up.

Another contributing factor to the delay was that, for some unknown reason, my internet connection decided to start being flaky on Friday. Now, if this had happened after I got Leopard, I could have blamed it on my messing around, but it actually started the morning before I started making any changes. In any case, as of now, I seem to be getting dropped once a day (at least), and left in a state where it takes several minutes before I can connect again. I’m not sure what’s up here, but it’s (obviously) playing havoc with my DNS address, so if you’re having trouble finding mikew.ca, at least you’ll know why.

The moment of truth.

Last post before I back up the blog, and switch over to 10.5. It will almost certainly be a while before I can get back on line. I only *vaguely* remember all the steps that it took last time, and if the experience on the laptop is any indicator, doing a straight upgrade is asking … Continue reading “The moment of truth.”

Last post before I back up the blog, and switch over to 10.5. It will almost certainly be a while before I can get back on line. I only *vaguely* remember all the steps that it took last time, and if the experience on the laptop is any indicator, doing a straight upgrade is asking for bugs.

I’m not sure what to do about it though. There’s so much music software, and other crap on there that doing an archive and install is going to be unbelievably painful. *sigh*.

Minor site news (v2)

iPhone friendly theme I have added a plug-in that reformats the site to make it more readable on an iPhone. Unfortunately, it throws out most of the sidebar content, which reduces the usability to some extent. Anyway, Give it a try (if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch) and let me know what you … Continue reading “Minor site news (v2)”

iPhone friendly theme
I have added a plug-in that reformats the site to make it more readable on an iPhone. Unfortunately, it throws out most of the sidebar content, which reduces the usability to some extent. Anyway, Give it a try (if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch) and let me know what you think.

Minor site news

WordPress version upgrade I have upgraded the site to run on the latest WordPress. One of the features this version provides is tagging, and I have dutifully added a tag cloud widget to the side bar. I doubt I’ll go back and tag all the old articles, but you never know. Another nice feature is … Continue reading “Minor site news”

WordPress version upgrade
I have upgraded the site to run on the latest WordPress. One of the features this version provides is tagging, and I have dutifully added a tag cloud widget to the side bar. I doubt I’ll go back and tag all the old articles, but you never know. Another nice feature is the automatic version checking for plug-ins. There were newer versions of several of the plug-ins I use.
Treo shots have returned
I finally got around to picking up the latest version of the Photo Sidebar Widget, and hacking it to display VOX images. So now I can go back to taking pictures with my Treo. Yay!

Offline Blog Editors

Is anyone out there using separate blog editing software? That is, is anyone using an application to post to their blog, rather than the built-in web interface? If so, which one are you using, and how’s it working for you? I’m posting this with the 30 day trial for a tool called MarsEdit 2. It … Continue reading “Offline Blog Editors”

Is anyone out there using separate blog editing software? That is, is anyone using an application to post to their blog, rather than the built-in web interface? If so, which one are you using, and how’s it working for you?

I’m posting this with the 30 day trial for a tool called MarsEdit 2. It seems to be relatively useful, but I don’t understand why it’s better than just using the browser. Has anyone else tried this app? What else is available?

SplashBlog and GCW

I know this isn’t new, but now that I have a Treo 680, I have been playing around with SplashBlog. SplashBlog is basically a photo sharing site (a la Flickr), but with the added twist that it supports PDA/smartphone synchronization. Here’s what Six Apart says: SplashBlog lets you instantly publish photos from your smartphone to … Continue reading “SplashBlog and GCW”

I know this isn’t new, but now that I have a Treo 680, I have been playing around with SplashBlog. SplashBlog is basically a photo sharing site (a la Flickr), but with the added twist that it supports PDA/smartphone synchronization. Here’s what Six Apart says:

SplashBlog lets you instantly publish photos from your smartphone to an online photo album (photoblog) to share with others. SplashBlog includes everything you need to share your photos, including software for your smartphone and a free online photoblog account at splashblog.com. Just install the FREE software on your smartphone, create your free splashblog.com account and start photoblogging!

At some level, this is the killer app for a smartphone. Wherever you are, whenever something cool happens, you can snap a picture and push it to the web in about 30 seconds. You don’t even have to describe the picture before posting it, because you can go back afterwards (either on the phone or via their web client) and fill in the details. Of course, it eats data charges faster than Lucky can eat his supper, but it’s still very cool.

Once I could upload pictures effortlessly, I wanted to make it equally easy to share them with my friends, so I started looking around for a way to display them at NfGCW. I figured I was on the right track when I found “district 30″‘s Photo Sidebar widget but, unfortunately, this doesn’t support SplashBlog out of the box. It was trivial to add the support, however, by including…

elseif (strpos($item["link"], "http://www.splashblog.com/") >= 0) {
	$item_url = $item["description"];
	$start_pos = strpos($item_url , "<img src=")+10;
    	$end_pos = strpos($item_url , """, $start_pos);
	$item_url = substr($item_url, $start_pos, $end_pos-$start_pos);

… in the code that decides how to pull out the picture URL (i.e. $item_url) based on the different feed types. I also bashed the code to remove the randomization of the order that the pictures are returned. Given the way SplashBlog works, it seems like showing the most recent photos is more interesting.

All in all, a fun bit of hacking for a Saturday morning. If you haven’t noticed already, you can check the side bar of the main page to see my latest images. Apologies for the portrait shots being displayed sideways. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to fix them at SplashBlog, so I’ll just have to remember not to hold the Treo sideways when I take them.

Btw, if you do want to check out all the pictures on my SplashBlog site, you can go to:

McQ’s Treo Shots

Holy SPAM, Batman.

Ok, so I’m not the most popular site on the web (although googling for “Great Castle Wilson” does find me first :-)). So why, when I checked my spam logs for this morning, did I find that my anti-spam software has killed >30,000 spam comments? Words fail me. If I’m getting this much attention, imagine … Continue reading “Holy SPAM, Batman.”

Ok, so I’m not the most popular site on the web (although googling for “Great Castle Wilson” does find me first :-)). So why, when I checked my spam logs for this morning, did I find that my anti-spam software has killed >30,000 spam comments?

Words fail me. If I’m getting this much attention, imagine how much real websites get!

Do you think if I asked nicely…

… the idiots trying to ssh crack my system would give up? My log files are filled with Mbytes of this… Apr 10 19:03:07 xxxx sshd[7934]: Invalid user cstrike from Apr 10 19:03:07 xxxx com.apple.SecurityServer: authinternal failed to authenticate user cstrike. /usr/sbin/sshd. … Bah! Why does the internet always have to be such a … Continue reading “Do you think if I asked nicely…”

… the idiots trying to ssh crack my system would give up? My log files are filled with Mbytes of this…

Apr 10 19:03:07 xxxx sshd[7934]: Invalid user cstrike from
Apr 10 19:03:07 xxxx com.apple.SecurityServer: authinternal failed to 
authenticate user cstrike.

Bah! Why does the internet always have to be such a wretched hive of scum and villainy?

(In case you are wondering, yes, it’s disabled again. *sigh*)

I’m blog hacking again.

Apologies to anyone who tries to check out the blog in the next few hours. I’m messing with it again, so I’ve got the default look up. It’s also likely to be up and down for the next little while. Update: Of course, now I’m frigging around with random styles, so who knows what it … Continue reading “I’m blog hacking again.”

Apologies to anyone who tries to check out the blog in the next few hours. I’m messing with it again, so I’ve got the default look up. It’s also likely to be up and down for the next little while.

Update: Of course, now I’m frigging around with random styles, so who knows what it will look like when you get here.

Did you miss us?

Apologies to anyone who was trying to access the site tonight and couldn’t find us. I was doing the grand re-org of my room in the basement and I had to take everything offline to move the wires about. With luck there won’t be any more interrupts tonight.

Apologies to anyone who was trying to access the site tonight and couldn’t find us. I was doing the grand re-org of my room in the basement and I had to take everything offline to move the wires about.

With luck there won’t be any more interrupts tonight.