I bought an LCD

It’s a ViewSonic VX922. It’s only 1280×1024, but it’s (theoretically) extremely fast; they claim a 2ms response time. I currently have it connected to my laptop at work, but the real test will be with my gaming PC at home. Sounds like a reason to play WoW tonight!

In any case, it’s bright, it has no stuck pixels, and even at 19″ it’s a *lot* bigger than my old 17″ CRT. I paid $329 at Best Buy. There are probably cheaper prices.


5 responses to “I bought an LCD”

  1. McQ Avatar

    In case you were wondering, no, I wasn’t playing WoW on a 17″ monitor. I have a 21″ CRT as well, but it’s getting old and has developed some annoying moire problems. I’ll likely replace the 17″ on the PowerMac with the 21″, and use the LCD as my PC monitor.

  2. Debbie Avatar


    Too bad I’m heading out to Knitting Camp tomorrow.

  3. Ken Walker Avatar

    Ya Deb, I can easily find $350 worth of knitting supplies you REALLY need on that site. Now if you can get your response time for each knitting action down to 2ms I’ll be impressed. Ever considered doing a WoW knitted impression of McQ’s Rogue?

  4. McQ Avatar

    I suggested to Deb that she should do quilted wall hangings of WoW characters. It would be pretty easy to posterize the character portrait with photoshop, then just color match each area with fat quarters, and machine quilt the result. If you could get the time to produce them down to something reasonable, I’m sure there would be good money to be made.

  5. […] As you probably know, I bought a I bought a Viewsonic LCD monitor a month ago. Well, when I turned it on this morning, it had a column of pixels on the right side that was all green. Boo. What’s worse, when I packed it all up to take it back to the store for a repair, I couldn’t find my bill. […]

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