CBC Radio’s WireTap

I am an avid CBC Radio 1 listener, and as such, I have heard pieces of the CBC program “WireTap” somewhere around twenty times now. In all those times, the longest I have ever been able to convince myself to listen to the show was about five minutes.

I honestly can’t imagine how such blecherous dreck ever got the green light, let alone how it can continue to be aired. It is essentially a half-hour of incoherent, neurotic rambling, of the sort that you would barely put up with if it was being generated by someone you cared about. In this case, the host is one of the singularly most unlikeable on-air personalities since Kenny versus Spenny, so the only possible reaction is to leap for the channel change dial.

Please, CBC, kill this show. It single-handedly lowers the quality of your entire station to the level of “crappy audio-blog”.


9 responses to “CBC Radio’s WireTap”

  1. James Moody Avatar
    James Moody

    I agree with one exception (which I guess proves the rule). There was an episode entitled “We are not Supermen” in which a story (written by Jonathan) was read to a live audience by Rob Corddry (formerly of the Daily Show). It was about the guy who dated Lois Lane after she broke up with Superman. Quite entertaining. But the rest of the shows are quite clearly drivel. CBC should send it to the same place that I hope they will send the guy who does the promos we hear every hour.

  2. Jack Avatar

    Originally, I figured that maybe I was simply a victim of my “demographic”–unable to find any redeeming qualities of Wiretap, so I asked my eighteen year-old son what he thought of the show. His reaction, strangely enough, was very similar to mine. This is a young man who loves the comedy of Air Farce, Rick Mercer, and 22 Minutes–but Wiretap? The CBC’s loyal fans might better be served by a half-hour of dead air or at least some classical music but the drivel of Wiretap we can all do without!!!!!!

  3. Alberto Avatar

    I’m 17 years old and I’m also an avid listener of CBC radio one and I love this show. Seriously, I’m laughing almost for the entirety of the broadcast. Oh well, we all have different tastes and opinions I suppose.

  4. McQ Avatar

    Good to know that there are people out there who enjoy the show, Alberto. Thanks for commenting.

    I guess, for me, it just takes too much effort to push past the angst (and sometimes downright maliciousness) of the writing. Maybe I get too much of that in real life, who knows.

  5. alex Avatar

    I listen to Wiretap on KUOW in Seattle. I love this show – laugh all of the time (except the first time when I tuned in by accident and thought that this is a very weird real life phone call). I sure hope the show keeps going.

  6. […] there are many good shows on CBC1 (and a few duds), but of all of them, one of their greatest jewels is the show Ideas. The basic premise of the show […]

  7. Carol D Avatar
    Carol D

    I, too, love the show! And that coming from a Vancouver listener. Much like the listener from Seattle, I also accidentally discovered it 2 or 3 years ago in the middle of one of those (now) classic phone calls between Jonathan and Howard , most likely. Guess it might not be to everyone’s tastes, but ironic and neorotic humour rule in my book. I thoroughly enjoy the humour in it – the phone calls, the conversations Jonathan has with his parents, and the stories read. A truly original program. Do NOT kill it, CBC! Along with Gian, Rick Cluff and Anna-Maria Tremonti – Jonathan is one of my CBC heroes!

  8. McQ Avatar

    Carol, thanks for commenting. Based on yours, and the other comments here, it’s clear that the show polarizes it’s listeners. If I wanted to be generous, I’d argue that is frequently an attribute of good art. Honestly though, I doubt the comment applies in this case.

    I do appreciate that there are at least some people out there who genuinely enjoy the show.

  9. Marie Avatar

    I must admit to loving Wiretap as well. I have listened to nearly every podcast. Specific audience, yes.. but an avid audience nonetheless!

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