Author: adminmcq

  • Too big to hold in your arms

    Now he just lies on me. 🙂

  • Welcome, George.

    Say hello to George…

    (Note: Clicking on the above photo will show you a larger version. The other photos in this post are just the small size.)

    So far, that’s the only close up I’ve been able to take of him where he wasn’t a) moving too fast for the camera to focus on, or b) impossible to see because of the “can’t photograph a black dog” problem. He’s named after the classic Loony Tunes “I will call him George” routine that appears (I believe) in several of the cartoons. Here’s one example.

    We’ve had him for about 3 days now, and he seems to be settling in. There have been no issues between him and Lucky, our old dog, and there’s even some signs that they are going to be ok with each other…

    He’s a purebred Black Labrador Retriever, with very strong parentage. He also already has the “sad puppy eyes” thing down perfectly…

    We’re still in the phase where we have to get up once in the night to let him out, so Deb and I are both a bit sleep deprived right now, but that shouldn’t last too long — he says hopefully.

  • Spring!

    So here I am, sitting at the Starbucks, having just ridden my bike over.

    First bike ride of the season! Ya, ok, I know I’m slow. Given the weather over the last few days it feels like everyone has been out biking already, but at least I made it. Now when it gets cold again, you’ll know who to blame. 😛

    In any case, even I couldn’t pass up a day this nice. It’s 25 celsius out there and it’s coming up on 19h00. Wow!

    Now let’s just all hope that we aren’t seeing 20 degrees above normal temps in July and August too.

  • Mini-review: iPad 2012

    Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I fully intended to not buy the new iPad. Based on what I had gleaned from the tech news community, it was heavier and thicker than the iPad 2 (which I already owned) and, despite more powerful graphics, was effectively the same speed when it came to my most common use: browsing the web.

    But… as I was standing in the lineup at Timmy’s to get my morning coffee — reading RSS feeds on my phone, as usual — I saw a post that said “most stores will be open at 8am for potential iPad buyers”, and I thought, “Gee (or something like that), it’s 8:20 and there’s a Future Shop between here and my work! I might as well go look at them at least.”

    As you have probably surmised, I went, I saw, I purchased. I’ll warn you now, if you are vacillating over buying the new one, don’t look. Seriously, don’t look!

    For me, tablets are defined by exactly two things: their responsiveness and the quality of their screens. In the iPad’s case, the responsiveness is as good as ever (and I still believe that the compromises that the Apple team made to get there were the right answer), but the screen is something else entirely. I can honestly say that this is the highest quality display I have ever seen. The iPhone 4 may have higher pixel density, but the small form factor doesn’t do it justice. Looking at the iPad screen you get the same sense that you are looking at a printed page that you get from e-ink screens, but with beautiful, vibrant color. [Yes, I know it has more glare and isn’t outdoor readable — everything has trade-offs]. Text is absolutely gorgeous and reading is a joy. Scanning through photos leaves you thinking you’re looking through a 10″ window.

    As to the rest, I can’t say I’ve seen a significant performance improvement overall (either from the improved graphics processor or increased system memory). It may stutter a little less, but not so I’ve noticed.

    I will say the “back” camera is much improved. I’d include a picture here, but I’d have to reduce it in size, which would defeat the purpose. The front-facing camera is just as crappy as it was in the previous generation; I actually find it to be so bad that I’m not even happy using it for FaceTime. Oh well.

    We’re now a 3 iPad family. Deb has my old one; the 3G will come in handy for her business travel. Her first gen one is now in the hands of Dennis. I’ll let you know the result of that toughness “road test”. 😉

  • Maker wannabee

    I did do a couple of actual, for reals, hardware things while I was on vacation, which for anyone who knows me has got to be pretty surprising :-). The first was to put together a little Arduino (actually Freeduino) board:

    I have vague plans to take this plus a DAC and produce a midi to CV converter, something like this.

    The other project was more prosaic, but probably more useful: I replaced the lawn light outside GCW. Really, this was just removing the old bits, repainting the post, then putting in a new light sensor and headpiece. The result actually looks pretty good:

    Anyway, nothing earthshaking there, but there’s nothing like a couple of successes to refuel your interest in making things again. Anybody want to help build an analog synthesizer?

  • A week into my vacation and I’m still not relaxed.

    If anyone has been watching this site for updates, I have to apologize. It’s been (even more) hectic at work lately and by the time I get home, I haven’t had the energy to blog. In fact, the list of things I’ve been avoiding is much longer than just blogging:

    • getting exercise / biking — nope.
    • spending time with Deb — not enough, except for when we go out for dinner (but that’s mostly to avoid cooking).
    • electronic music — not even a new synth was enough to make that happen.
    • cello practice — holy mackerel the music for the fall is hard; an hour a day wouldn’t be enough to play it properly and I’m doing less than half that.
    • helping Dennis learn controllerism — bought him the hardware and a copy of Ableton; nothing since then.
    • web skills development — Deb deserves more than what I built her at Sheeps Ahoy, but it would take months of learning to get there.
    • walking the dogs — a total of twice this summer. ugh!
    • work around the house — well, I’ve done some of that this week, at least.
    • cooking — only when Deb makes me BBQ.

    Whew! Even if I had the time to do all these things (i.e. I was retired) I still wouldn’t have the energy for all of them.

    Anyway, I’m a week into my vacation, and I’m still not relaxed. However, I am starting to surface (as witnessed by the soul searching above). Hopefully, that’s a good sign. Last week the list looked like:

    • re-arranged the bedroom
    • got in a car accident — no one hurt; not my fault
    • started cleaning out the garage, but there’s more to do this week
    • helped Deb through a bad bout of stomach “flu”
    • spent a really fun day with her on our anniversary, including seeing the Caravaggio exhibit at the gallery
    • put her on a plane for California
    • played *way* too much of the new Deus Ex game [note: Yesterday they rolled out a patch to fix the long load times: down to 10 seconds from almost a minute before]

    We’ll see how it goes this week. I’ll post if I get some new music made. Otherwise (for those I work with), see you next week.

  • What Canadian politics looks like to me

    Canadians are going to the polls, again, on May 2nd. There is almost nothing to distinguish this time from any of the previous five, but there is one significant difference: This time my son is old enough to vote (and he intends to do so). I’ve told him that he should find out what party offers the best value to him, from his point of view. If I had to guess what that would be, I’d say tax breaks for low income earners and education assistance first, then environment and health care. Luckily, I know he doesn’t read my blog, so I’m not worried about colouring his viewpoint. 🙂

    In any case, I find myself once again trying to figure out how to vote. When I look at the various political parties I see effectively zero difference from where they were a couple of years ago, so I expect the same outcome as last time: a Conservative minority. After all, expecting anything else would be crazy.

    Here’s what I see (and I completely respect that these views are not shared by everyone):

    • Conservatives — boorish, obnoxious, bullies who favor short term economic benefits
    • Liberals — party policy could be defined as “don’t piss anyone off”; unable to find a compelling leader
    • NDP — want to change things; have no idea how to do that without tanking the country
    • Greens — heart in the right place; would need a majority to be interesting, which won’t happen until after the environment becomes unfixable
    • … and the fringe parties that simply don’t matter.

    As most of you know, I usually vote Green, but I have discovered something in their current, stated platform that I cannot abide [emphasis mine]:

    We will promote complimentary health care through support of chiropractic, naturopathic, homeopathic, and other non-western practices.

    Everyone is free to make up there own minds about complimentary health care issues, but I will not vote for a party that promotes homeopathic medicine. Seldom am I given such a clear means to reduce the complexity of a decision space.

    So, in the absence of that, I guess I’m leaning towards the NDP this year. Jack seems to have carried himself well in the debates. There is some alignment with my philosophical views. As I said last election:

    The NDP are also close, if they could just figure out that sometimes Environment first is going to have to trump People first, so that our kids get to have a world worth living in too.

    I guess we’ll see. I am very interested in your thoughts about the election. Feel free to comment.

  • How fast is fast enough?

    Friday after work I picked up a new laptop. It’s one of the just released MacBook Pros with the “real” i7 processors (i.e. 4 cores, multi-threaded). In addition to an 8Gig memory upgrade, I had them replace the DVD drive with a 128Gig SSD to hold the core OS and applications. For the few times when I might still need a DVD burner, the old drive was placed in an external USB enclosure. I must say, being able to easily get these kinds of aftermarket mods done is one of the reasons why I shop at Carbon Computing rather than the Apple Store.

    After playing with the new machine for a weekend, I can categorically state that it is everything I had hoped for. It boots from power on to desktop in 15 sec. It’s awesome.

    I actually had a spare copy of Windows 7 lying around that I never got time to install under Parallels on the old laptop. When I installed it on this one I could give it 2 dedicated processors and 3 Gig of RAM without even noticing any performance impact. Seriously, the machine appears to run as well with Parallels running as without.

    But here’s the thing… The apps themselves don’t actually seem much faster. Even on my old laptop, for anything other than a hardcore developer task (like doing a full build of a product plus running the test suites), as often as not the rendering/processing power of the machine wasn’t the limiting factor. In this connected world we live in, if I’m waiting for something it’s usually a remote server, either on the internet or some network shared device, not my local machine.

    In general, I believe we’re well past the point where machines needed to run at 100% to simply render the UI fast enough, with the one exception perhaps being gaming. Even there it seems that we’re reaching a point of diminishing returns: Is that extra bit of motion blur and depth of field processing really making the game more fun?

    For the average person’s use case — reading mail, browsing the internet, editing files, and playing Farmville — an iPad 2 (with a BT keyboard) will be every bit as useful as my laptop. Heck, even a $300 netbook will do the job.

    So is that it? Do we need machines to be faster? Not until we discover how to put the performance to some use more interesting than making the windows jiggle when you move them [yes, Linux I’m looking at you]. I’ve tried to think of possibilities here, but to me the most interesting directions appear to be data driven, again making the speed of your internet connection more interesting than your CPU. I guess we’ll see.

  • Happy Birthday, Mati

    Deb and I stopped by Mati Sauks’ birthday party at Tailgators for a while tonight. Here’s a shot of Mati doing Karaoke, which proves that the good ones never forget how to party.