A week into my vacation and I’m still not relaxed.

If anyone has been watching this site for updates, I have to apologize. It’s been (even more) hectic at work lately and by the time I get home, I haven’t had the energy to blog. In fact, the list of things I’ve been avoiding is much longer than just blogging:

  • getting exercise / biking — nope.
  • spending time with Deb — not enough, except for when we go out for dinner (but that’s mostly to avoid cooking).
  • electronic music — not even a new synth was enough to make that happen.
  • cello practice — holy mackerel the music for the fall is hard; an hour a day wouldn’t be enough to play it properly and I’m doing less than half that.
  • helping Dennis learn controllerism — bought him the hardware and a copy of Ableton; nothing since then.
  • web skills development — Deb deserves more than what I built her at Sheeps Ahoy, but it would take months of learning to get there.
  • walking the dogs — a total of twice this summer. ugh!
  • work around the house — well, I’ve done some of that this week, at least.
  • cooking — only when Deb makes me BBQ.

Whew! Even if I had the time to do all these things (i.e. I was retired) I still wouldn’t have the energy for all of them.

Anyway, I’m a week into my vacation, and I’m still not relaxed. However, I am starting to surface (as witnessed by the soul searching above). Hopefully, that’s a good sign. Last week the list looked like:

  • re-arranged the bedroom
  • got in a car accident — no one hurt; not my fault
  • started cleaning out the garage, but there’s more to do this week
  • helped Deb through a bad bout of stomach “flu”
  • spent a really fun day with her on our anniversary, including seeing the Caravaggio exhibit at the gallery
  • put her on a plane for California
  • played *way* too much of the new Deus Ex game [note: Yesterday they rolled out a patch to fix the long load times: down to 10 seconds from almost a minute before]

We’ll see how it goes this week. I’ll post if I get some new music made. Otherwise (for those I work with), see you next week.


One response to “A week into my vacation and I’m still not relaxed.”

  1. Your father Avatar
    Your father

    Careful my son, It sounds like you are worrying about what you feel needs to be done. Being overly concerned about things could be what causes one to have a heart attack. Reevaluate your concerns and realize that you may not be able to do everything you should or would like to do. I pass on this warning because it was at your age that I had similar concerns and had my first heart attack. I didn’t even realize that, first, I had gradually more and more concerns at work as well as at home. I had forgotten that I wasn’t “Supper Youth” any more, and “If your ‘gone’, nothing will get done anyway”.
    Perhaps you may have to give up some things you now feel you still enjoy. Age gets us all, and there are things we should no longer say “need to be done”. Just reevaluate and say piss-on-it. Peace “in” mind, will be worth more to me…… These things,… will never get done or done by me.
    (This is what is meant when someone really wishes you “Peace”.)
    Your Dad.

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