If anyone has been watching this site for updates, I have to apologize. It’s been (even more) hectic at work lately and by the time I get home, I haven’t had the energy to blog. In fact, the list of things I’ve been avoiding is much longer than just blogging:
- getting exercise / biking — nope.
- spending time with Deb — not enough, except for when we go out for dinner (but that’s mostly to avoid cooking).
- electronic music — not even a new synth was enough to make that happen.
- cello practice — holy mackerel the music for the fall is hard; an hour a day wouldn’t be enough to play it properly and I’m doing less than half that.
- helping Dennis learn controllerism — bought him the hardware and a copy of Ableton; nothing since then.
- web skills development — Deb deserves more than what I built her at Sheeps Ahoy, but it would take months of learning to get there.
- walking the dogs — a total of twice this summer. ugh!
- work around the house — well, I’ve done some of that this week, at least.
- cooking — only when Deb makes me BBQ.
Whew! Even if I had the time to do all these things (i.e. I was retired) I still wouldn’t have the energy for all of them.
Anyway, I’m a week into my vacation, and I’m still not relaxed. However, I am starting to surface (as witnessed by the soul searching above). Hopefully, that’s a good sign. Last week the list looked like:
- re-arranged the bedroom
- got in a car accident — no one hurt; not my fault
- started cleaning out the garage, but there’s more to do this week
- helped Deb through a bad bout of stomach “flu”
- spent a really fun day with her on our anniversary, including seeing the Caravaggio exhibit at the gallery
- put her on a plane for California
- played *way* too much of the new Deus Ex game [note: Yesterday they rolled out a patch to fix the long load times: down to 10 seconds from almost a minute before]
We’ll see how it goes this week. I’ll post if I get some new music made. Otherwise (for those I work with), see you next week.
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