Category: Family

  • Pics of the new deck.

    After 17 years, our old backyard deck had had enough: the wood was rotten in several places, the dog nails had shredded several of the boards, and the stairs were failing to the point where they were starting to get dangerous.

    Since we really do use the deck a lot in the summer, we decided to get it replaced. Here are some pics of the new one.

    We’re very happy with the work that was done, and as you can see, the results are stellar.

    And now, a bonus picture. We also had our garage door replaced. Here’s the new one:

  • First workout

    In an effort to finally get back in some kind of reasonable physical condition, I’ve started going to the gym again.

    Last week, my wonderful wife took care of getting me (and Dennis) signed up at Goodlife where she was already a member. Today I did my orientation and a first workout: all 9 machines of the “basic” set, twice, 12 reps on each, followed by 15 minutes on the stairmaster. Of course, all of that on settings so low that I suspect catatonics could keep up, but in any case, it’s done, in just under an hour of steady work.

    Now all I have to do is keep going regularly. I could imagine getting there twice a week, but I doubt I’ll be able to do more than that. I guess we’ll see.

  • George and the christmas decorations.

    He was a bit confused when we started building a tree in the living room, and when we started bringing out the boxes of decorations, he figured it was best if he just stayed out of the way.

    He’s only tried to eat one of the Christmas balls so far, but I suspect he hasn’t quite learned that lesson yet.

  • Too big to hold in your arms

    Now he just lies on me. 🙂

  • Welcome, George.

    Say hello to George…

    (Note: Clicking on the above photo will show you a larger version. The other photos in this post are just the small size.)

    So far, that’s the only close up I’ve been able to take of him where he wasn’t a) moving too fast for the camera to focus on, or b) impossible to see because of the “can’t photograph a black dog” problem. He’s named after the classic Loony Tunes “I will call him George” routine that appears (I believe) in several of the cartoons. Here’s one example.

    We’ve had him for about 3 days now, and he seems to be settling in. There have been no issues between him and Lucky, our old dog, and there’s even some signs that they are going to be ok with each other…

    He’s a purebred Black Labrador Retriever, with very strong parentage. He also already has the “sad puppy eyes” thing down perfectly…

    We’re still in the phase where we have to get up once in the night to let him out, so Deb and I are both a bit sleep deprived right now, but that shouldn’t last too long — he says hopefully.

  • Spring!

    So here I am, sitting at the Starbucks, having just ridden my bike over.

    First bike ride of the season! Ya, ok, I know I’m slow. Given the weather over the last few days it feels like everyone has been out biking already, but at least I made it. Now when it gets cold again, you’ll know who to blame. 😛

    In any case, even I couldn’t pass up a day this nice. It’s 25 celsius out there and it’s coming up on 19h00. Wow!

    Now let’s just all hope that we aren’t seeing 20 degrees above normal temps in July and August too.

  • Maker wannabee

    I did do a couple of actual, for reals, hardware things while I was on vacation, which for anyone who knows me has got to be pretty surprising :-). The first was to put together a little Arduino (actually Freeduino) board:

    I have vague plans to take this plus a DAC and produce a midi to CV converter, something like this.

    The other project was more prosaic, but probably more useful: I replaced the lawn light outside GCW. Really, this was just removing the old bits, repainting the post, then putting in a new light sensor and headpiece. The result actually looks pretty good:

    Anyway, nothing earthshaking there, but there’s nothing like a couple of successes to refuel your interest in making things again. Anybody want to help build an analog synthesizer?