First workout

In an effort to finally get back in some kind of reasonable physical condition, I’ve started going to the gym again.

Last week, my wonderful wife took care of getting me (and Dennis) signed up at Goodlife where she was already a member. Today I did my orientation and a first workout: all 9 machines of the “basic” set, twice, 12 reps on each, followed by 15 minutes on the stairmaster. Of course, all of that on settings so low that I suspect catatonics could keep up, but in any case, it’s done, in just under an hour of steady work.

Now all I have to do is keep going regularly. I could imagine getting there twice a week, but I doubt I’ll be able to do more than that. I guess we’ll see.


3 responses to “First workout”

  1. Brenda J. Butler Avatar

    Yep. I started going to the gym about a month ago, twice a week like you. We’ll see how long that lasts. So far it’s going ok. I have two friends that are going with me.

    1. McQ Avatar

      I’m sure having friends who go will help. So far our family schedule has been busy enough that we can’t seem to get to the gym at the same time, but I haven’t given up yet.

      (Actually, I figured I’d give myself a break today. This is concert weekend, so I get enough exercise lugging the pews around and carrying chairs up stairs. )

  2. McQ Avatar

    Man, nothing is ever easy. I lost a ton of weight, then got sick and gained a bunch back. Now I have to (not quite) start over from scratch again. Oh well, everything in life is a battle.

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