Divertimento Concerts Friday and Saturday

Just a reminder that the spring Divertimento “pops” concerts are tomorrow and Saturday at 8pm. The program is:

Sullivan, Overture to “Iolanthe”
Rodgers, Medley from “The King and I”
Ricketts, Satchmo!
Leigh, “Man of La Mancha” Selections
Rossini, Overture to “William Tell”
Leopold Mozart, The Sleigh Ride
Anderson, Jazz Pizzicato
Loesser, Highlights from “Guys and Dolls”
Wilson, Beach Boys Hits
Rodgers, Selections from “Oklahoma”

The Friday concert is at Rideau Park United Church, 2203 Alta Vista Drive. The Saturday concert is at L’Église St-Thomas-d’Aquin, 1244 Kilborn Ave. I haven’t got any tickets to sell, but they will be available at the door:

Adults: $10.00
Students/Seniors: $8.00
Children under 13: $5.00


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