More DDO issues.

Some obvious bugs that definitely should not have made it past the beta:

  • When you perform an action that causes a progress bar (like opening a lock), you can wait until the progress bar is filled, and you hear the lock click, but if you start moving then, the action still fails. You have to actually wait until you see the change occur on screen (i.e. the chest door opens). That’s just pathetic. Guys: If you are going to give us both visual and auditory feedback that the action is completed wait until it actually is.
  • When you open a vendor window, if you click on “Sort by value”, then close it and open it again, “Sort by value” is still checked, but the items aren’t sorted. You actually have to uncheck it and then check it again to get them sorted.
  • The gui sometimes forgets what state it’s in. Similar to the previous problem, but with much more drastic consequences, I can sometimes get the GUI into a state where it thinks I’m in auto-attack mode, for example, but I am not. This leads to wild thrashing of the keyboard, and then dying. You have got to fix this one soon. It alone will convince me to stop playing this game. Soon.
  • When you zone into a new area. If there are a lot of toons nearby, it needs to send you the images of them. If you try to start moving before they all appear, you get this bizarre, speed-of-light fast warping effect for several seconds. To say that this breaks the immersiveness of the experience would be an understatement.

I’m sure I’ll think of more of these as soon as I stop writing. I’ll update this regularly with the latest things I find.


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