From the Oblivion FAQ:
Input Problems
Keyboard input problems could be the result of a control peripheral. Editting the Oblivion.ini may correct this issue. The Oblivion.ini file is located in the My DocumentsMy GamesOblivion directory. In the [Controls] section, change the “bUse Joystick=1” setting to “bUse Joystick=0” or simply disconnect the peripheral. Make sure the settings are saved. Note, changes to the Oblivion.ini file will not be saved if Oblivion in running when the changes are made.
Frequent Crashing possibly due to old system file
Some users may experience frequent crashing due to an older system file. These crashes may be attributed to the ‘’ file. Simply renaming the file to “” may correct this issue.
Frequent Crashing possibly due to connected HP printer
A program related to HP printers may cause Oblivion to crash.
Before running Oblivion: Press Ctr-Alt-Del to bring up the task manager. Go to the Processes Tab. Right click on any process starting with the letters HP and select End.
Running Oblivion at this point may have this issue corrected.
Note: The PC will need to be restarted to reinitialize printing or imaging.
I verified that I do not have either of the first two issues, but I do have an HP printer. I’ll try disabling that and see what happens.
Update: *doh*. I just found an in an old DVD XCopy directory. I’m going to rename it and see if that helps; killing the HP driver threads did not.
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