It’s friday.

Last week, I was so tired and stressed that I took Wednesday to Friday off as holidays and just chilled (hence the reason why I am >40 hours into Oblivion now). I actually lasted until Wednesday of this week before I started feeling totally stressed again, so I guess that was a win.

This was a bit of a stressful week though. I did three interviews, spent five hours with my boss’ boss’ boss, and we’re doing our RC0 milestone. bleh.

I also didn’t get either my new computer or my new glasses. I guess they’re both something to look forward to for next week (he says, desperately looking for a silver lining).

Oh, and I decided that April Fool’s Day was a good choice for when I would start my diet, so as they say, tonight I’m going to “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we diet”.



3 responses to “TGIF”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Ya, but at least one of those interviews was carried out with one of your smartest friends

  2. McQ Avatar

    How smart can you be, if you don’t have a blog I can trackback to. 😉

  3. Ken Walker Avatar

    Ya ya, I’ll upgrade to WP2 at some point to get rid of the blog spammers. First I need to build a new machine.

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