I’ve been busy, ok!

Apologies to anyone who’s been waiting for new content on this site. I’ve been busy getting the Eclipse R3.2 release out. We’re not done yet, but things are finally starting to slow down. And the orchestra is done for the season, and Deb isn’t travelling, and no one is sick (although Deb’s allergies are starting to get to her). Hopefully, that means I’ll have the time to get back to regular postings.


3 responses to “I’ve been busy, ok!”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Like anyone’s listening….

  2. Ken Walker Avatar

    Darn, my post was only 27 minutes after yours so I guess someone is

  3. McQ Avatar

    LOL. I’m actually amazed at how many people do read this blog. Honestly, I’ll try to keep things more active in future.

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