Woo hoo! GCW is a Maverick!

Yup. I upgraded the Mac Mini to Mavericks. Amazingly, it went almost flawlessly. A little bit of confusion with some file permissions and the need to re-enable PHP again, but that was it.

I’m sure there are a bunch of lurking issues that still need to be resolved, but this blog, and the old content from Deb’s “deblog” both came back, which is really what I cared about the most. Note: If you’re looking for updates from Deb, she now uses the blog attached to her Shopify account.

The rest I can work through as I find them.

Nothing like giving the old Mac Mini a new lease on life to make your day. 🙂


2 responses to “Woo hoo! GCW is a Maverick!”

  1. John Argus Avatar
    John Argus

    Great news. I got as far as downloading the update but have not yet applied it to my mac mini.

  2. McQ Avatar

    Hey, John. I’d forgotten that you had a Mac Mini. What are you using it for now?

    Mine has been buried in the corner of my home office (with no KVM attached to it) for a long time, since I only use it as a server and I just VNC into it when I need to. I hooked it up properly today to do the upgrade, and I have to say, I’d forgotten how well the little things actually work. Maybe not a Mac Pro, but perfectly usable.

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