The “45 minute baron run”

I had a chat with Todd this morning about the high-end game in WoW. Basically, I believe WoW is really two completely different games:

  1. Until you hit level 60, the game is a group-oriented, but soloable RPG, where to a significant extent, your ability to progress is based on your relative level (versus the things you are fighting), followed by your skill at running the GUI, and then your gear.
  2. At level 60, the game becomes essentially a squad-based (i.e. group or raid) action game, where the most important skill is your familiarity with a particular mission (i.e. “knowing the map”). Your skill with the GUI is still important (probably moreso), but for the more interesting content at least, your gear is critical. To see this, just ask all the players currently grinding for nature resist gear (which they didn’t think they’d ever need).

In any case, I’m not a big fan of the level 60 game in WoW. To me it feels like the rules changed just to keep the powergamers occupied. I realize that most MMO’s have this problem, and it’s not clear what they could do about it, other than release expansions. Here’s hoping that Burning Crusade gives me back the game I like to play for at least another 10 levels.

To preempt at least some of the flames: Yes, I know I can start a new character. Since I’ve played essentially every race/character class combination into the late teens — some into the late 40’s — and had characters on regular, rp and pvp servers, that’s starting to get old. I suspect I will start new characters in both of the races that come with BC, just to see the newbie area content, but given that it all funnels into the same stuff at around level 15, we’ll have to see how far I take them.

Anyway, here’s how the conversation with Todd went…

Todd — 9:13
Will you be joining us again tonight for another run on the Baron?
McQ — 9:14
Sadly, I will not. I am headed to the arts center to see the (second to) last performance by the current concert master.
Todd — 9:15
too bad… you realize that means the rogue leggings will drop
McQ — 9:17
absolutely. I am still not completely sold on the idea of doing “45 minute baron runs”. I would like to see all the content in the zone, but after about my third time through, I start to get bored. I really think that the WoW high end content is just for the uber-optimizing, power gamer crowd, and as I’ve said before, that’s really not my thing.
Todd — 9:19
the 45 minute baron run is for 1 quest. I understand that you are not keen on the repeated runs through an instance. I want the quest as I want the items that come from completing it. I try to think of it as a test of skill… can we complete it in the manner specified.
McQ — 9:21
yes, I get that. I believe what I was trying to say was a) I’m not particularly fussed about the gear I have, since what I’m already using works for everything I’ve done with it (and I’ll likely never get into a 40 man raid), and b) If I wanted a task of skill, I’d play Q3 Arena or Tetris. Having said that, I enjoy the social aspects of getting together on Thursdays.
Todd — 9:22
Well at least you are consistent


4 responses to “The “45 minute baron run””

  1. Ironbark Avatar

    Think to a large extent, I agree.

    I have had more fun getting my Paladin to 60, than I have had since. I group with a small regular team once a week or so – and it is a blast. Really enjoyable, but other pick up groups are so unpredictable and often so impolite that I just get irritated.

    I could not imagine putting in the time required to really advance my main character far above 60. Looking forward to more higher level solo content, but have more fun with learning lower level characters these days.

    Besides! They are nerfing my one time use Paladin reward!!! I can only use it once for chrissake and it only lasts a few minutes and only really helpful against undead and they are nerfing it! Will have to use it now quickly to do something really tough, like knocking off a merloc!

  2. Kevin Avatar

    I agree. When Mcq and I spoke about this last weekend, I said that I figured I’d do a few times through the instances but that may be it. The two aspects of the game that I enjoy are exploring new areas and the social aspect. Levelling gives a sense of advancement (“I am better than I used to be”, “I get new abilities now”) which matches the exploration of new areas and fighting new mobs.

    What I don’t like about the Baron run is the degree of precision it requires. I don’t much like games that necessitate an exact and repeatably flawless set of steps to be successful (e.g. like many console games). I like the fact that in our Sunday night group we can be loose about the gaming in the sense we are having fun and not worried about making mistakes, yet can also show incredible coordination in surviving the chaos. The Shinden groups I’ve been in seem a bit more serious, and I suspect that’s true of the high level raids.

    I used to find in EQ that there was a huge emphasis on gear, which really turned me off. I am not looking forward to the same in WoW. In particular for Loa, the look of the character is very important and in the past I’ve lived with inferior spec’d gear that looked cooler. Not only does the end game focus on gear not interest me, but it in a sense goes against my personal ethos, being one of advancement of the self, not what I own.

  3. McQ Avatar

    Apologies to Kevin for the random “” characters in his posting. I believe they were a side-effect of my attempt to make the edit he asked me to do. 🙁

  4. Garrad Avatar

    In discussions with our high level raiding Paladin, I believe that the high level raids( 40 man ) are in the same caliber as the baron run. But instead you are dealing with coordinating 40 people. Each Boss as a routine that must be executed to match the phases the boss is going through… For example for the first 3 minutes of the fight, or while the boss is between 100% – 85% of his health all Warlocks in the raid will be dotting. After that point the warlocks cease and desist and the Hunters move in to use tranquilizing shot. Then at 50% the next phase begins and so on and so on… The skill in the raid is coordinating the combined actions of 40 individuals rather than the skill of any individuals. I keep thinking of Roman Legionnaires stamping around the parade ground.

    At least we have 10 more levels coming our way.

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