That’s better.

So take a look at this…


I apparently have joined the big leagues, although it’s a bit too early to say for sure. The ping time isn’t great, but I guess it will be good enough. For comparison, here’s what I had before the upgrade:

Ping: 4ms
Down 47.5
Up: 10.4

I’ve tried GeForce Now and it’s like night and day. The game looks basically like it’s running locally now.

As you can see from this post, GCW transferred over seamlessly too.

Now, let’s try some MMOs… 🙂


One response to “That’s better.”

  1. admin Avatar

    For those who are interested, I went from Bell Fibe 50 to a Gigabit cable connection through TekSavvy. I had tried to get the theoretical Bell Gigabit service for more than a year, and then finally gave up on it ever becoming available in my area. TekSavvy has been pretty good so far, but I have had a couple of slow periods and one really weird situation that appeared to be some messed up routing tables on their side. It’s a bit early to say what their stability is going to be like long term. I guess I’ll see.

    I also switched over from an older single node router to one of the new WIFI6 mesh routers with two nodes. The result being that Deb can now get >500 Mbit speeds over wifi in her office upstairs. Very cool!

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