We made it to breakfast for just after 10. Afterwards, Deb and Dennis hung around in the lobby and read Harry Potter while I went for a walk around the neighbourhood outside the hotel. It was a grey, drizzly kind of day, but the walk was still fun. When I got back, we all went up to our room and just stayed there until about 4pm: Dennis and Deb read Harry Potter (Dennis is finished) and I played WoW.

Around 4 we hopped in the van and drove over to a knitting store that Deb wanted to visit, then we had supper at a little pub that’s across from the Dartmouth library. Then we came back to the hotel and Dennis played some WoW, I browsed the web, Deb finished Harry Potter and we all crashed.
I guess we were in need of a “down” day.
We’re still hoping for enough warmth/sunshine to get to a beach, but it’s looking less likely as time goes on.
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