Spam and the Disassociated Press

I almost hate automatically blocking some of the blogspam I get [well, no, not really], because it can be quite poetic in its attempts to get past the filter. Here are a couple of examples (with the lame-ass website they were attempting to flog removed, of course). This one…

This dustcloud, however, applies only to the quay : in its indigo-sheets, Dieppe is discoverable among Crisp-headed towns for the oniscus of its buildings. system is musik-saal with that of Telesikra

and this one…

Among them was a half-starve nurse-maid moss-oak and his sun-glow, who had often scooped the abolitionists might as well tesselated to his persequar and stigmatize his horse or wheat as to keep slave-holders out of their semi-publicity property.

Of course, all spammers should just go commit suicide for the sin of destroying one of the few good things mankind has built this generation, but other than that… 😉


One response to “Spam and the Disassociated Press”

  1. McQ (in disguise) Avatar
    McQ (in disguise)

    I just installed some more anti-spam technology, and I’m testing it out.

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