This kind of excitement we can do without!

Dennis is doing snowboarding TA training this week. He was at the top of the hill for his third run of the day, putting on his board, when the binding came apart in his hand. Yikes! Good thing he wasn’t riding at the time.

Then he walks back down the hill with his instructor, and half way down the hill he sees his cousin (Tim) sitting in the snow, holding his hand and crying. It turns out he’s broken his wrist. Double yikes! He’s at CHEO getting it set as I write this.

Let’s hope the rest of the season is less eventful.

Update: Apparently it was a double break. The poor guy :-(. (I’m going to have to apologize to Stacey. Based on Dennis’ description, I downplayed the seriousness of it when I talked to her.)


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