Those were the immortal words I heard (er… read) when I first entered the Blood Elf newbie zone. And you know, they were right. I haven’t seen so many noobs in one place since the day EQ went live (ah, the gates of Qeynos, I knew you well).
This, of course, was after creating a new character on Hydraxis, one of the new servers that have been added along with the expansion. I didn’t have much hope of getting into Zul’jin — the queue was 680 when I tried and claimed I had a >1 hour wait. Hey Blizzard, Please split Zul’jin.
Update: So later in the evening, after an hour waiting, I finally managed to get on to Zul’jin, only to find that individual world servers (parts of the world) were crashing at a ferocious rate. End result: After creating a Blood Elf (rogue — *sigh*), then having the newbie zone crash 5 times, then taking Bais through the gate and having Outland crash, I gave up. Maybe the server patch tomorrow morning will help. Man, I hope so.
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