Opera Mini on the Treo 680

No luck on first install, but a bit o’ googling got me these instructions…

  1. Go to Prefs
  2. Go to IBM Java VM
  3. Choose “Opera Mini” from the drop-down box at the top of the page
  4. Check the box: “Use Double Buffering”
  5. Check the box: “Use High Resolution Coordinates”
  6. Set Memory Maximum at 4mb
  7. Set Maximum Java Thread Stack Size at 32kb

… that did the trick. (Thanks, “freakout”.) Seems to work fine now.


4 responses to “Opera Mini on the Treo 680”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Or you could have asked me . Actually I thought of this Friday but figured I’d get you on Monday.

  2. […] of course I have this on my device. It’s an excellent tool, but a bit hard to configure. Opera Mini, which runs on it, is a great example of what is possible. Hey world, let’s see […]

  3. McQ Avatar

    Opera Mini is a Java app. On the Palm, the VM of choice is J9, of course.

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