Happy Father’s Day!

In honour of Father’s Day, when I actually get some time on a Sunday afternoon to do “whatever”, here is a new piece of music:

Father’s DAT 

It’s nothing special — there are lots of problems (timing, reverb, derivative chord progression) — but it was fun to get back into it again.


One response to “Happy Father’s Day!”

  1. McQ Avatar

    Gah! I’m trying to figure out where the chord progression in this came from.

    It’s amazing how your mental storage systems works: After listening to it many times, the movie “Les Parapluies de Cherbourg” popped into my head, which despite my not being able to remember anything about it actually did seem to have a similar theme. Listen to it here and tell me what you think.

    The thing is, I’m sure I’ve heard my theme somewhere in a classical piece, but I can’t remember which one. I can’t even guess the composer.

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