Upcoming Divertimento concert

Just letting people in Ottawa know that there’s another great Divertimento concert in November. The program is:

  • Fruhauf, Grand Rondo on “Simple Gifts” and “Bourbon” (World première)
  • Beethoven, Symphony No. 7 in A, Op. 92
  • Dvoràk, Symphony No. 8 in G, Op. 88

The Grand Rondo is a brand-spankin’ new, never publicly performed, short orchestral work by a contemporary organist/composer from California. It’s both lyrical and haunting, and well worth a listen. The other two pieces are both big works that really show the orchestra’s capabilities.

There are two shows. The one on Friday is Dennis’ birthday, so I’ll probably be the only person from my family who will be there. [The show must go on!] If you come to the Saturday show, you can catch up with Deb, Dennis and many others.

Friday, November 16, 2007
Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church
225 McClellan
8 p.m.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
L’Église St-Thomas-d’Aquin
1244 Kilborn Ave.
8 p.m.

I’ve got tickets to sell, and I’d be happy to get credit for selling you one, so definitely let me know. They’re also available at the door, if you’re more of a spur-of-the-moment person. Prices are: $15 for adults; $10 for students and seniors; $3 for children 6 to 12; and free for (quiet 😉 ) children under 6.

(Photo © Charles Frost)


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