Reason 4.0

I picked up the Reason 4.0 upgrade this week. If you’re looking to do this, and you live in Ottawa, I heartily recommend ordering it directly from the Propellerhead store: I saw it on sale at one Ottawa music store for $299, but I got mine direct from Propellerhead for US$142, including shipping. That’s a particularly good deal given the current strength of the Canadian dollar. It also took less than a week to get here.

In honour of the upgrade, here’s a little piece I pulled together from several copies of the new-for-Reason-4.0 “Thor” synthesizer, a couple of Rex loops and a little help from my friend Alex 😉 …

It’s zero hours.

(It’s what my G5 says to me at midnight.)


One response to “Reason 4.0”

  1. Administrator Avatar

    Btw, if it seems to end abruptly, try playing it again. I seem to have set up something wrong in the quicktime streaming and it cuts off the last few packets if it plays while it’s downloading.

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