MacBook Air

So the Macworld keynote has come and gone, and I must say, there wasn’t really anything that thrilled me. A new NAS? I guess. But they’re awfully late to the table, and it’s not cheap. Movie rentals? Not in Canada. An upgrade to get mail on the Touch? Great! But wait, you want to charge for it, even though it’s going to be free on all new ones sold? Come on!

And then there’s the MacBook Air. Am I the only person who thinks this is way too expensive? It’s got only an 80Gig HD, no optical drive, no wired ethernet, only one USB port, no Firewire and a significantly slower processor than the other Apple laptops. I guess it’s nice that it comes with 2Gig of memory, but you’ll notice that they had to put 2Gig in at the factory, since there’s no way to upgrade it.

Compare it to a black MacBook… Same size screen and the same graphics chip. The MB is cheaper, but it has less memory, so let’s say we upgrade the memory to 2Gig and throw in the 250Gig HD — we still only come up to the price of the MBA. And the MB does have an optical drive, a firewire port, a second USB port and a 2.0GHz processor (vs. 1.6GHz on the MBA).

I’m sorry, but making it thin around the edges and backlighting the keyboard is not enough compensation for those limitations. Essentially, no one should buy the MacBook Air.

Update: OMFG, it doesn’t even have a user replaceable battery! WTF?


4 responses to “MacBook Air”

  1. Kim Horne Avatar

    Given that I’ve gone through 5 batteries in two years I find the idea of a non-replaceable battery absurd beyond compare. Even presuming they work reliably (not the case) there have been TWO battery recalls by Apple in recent memory.

  2. josh Avatar

    the mac book air is suppose to be for people who don’t want to carry the extra weight. It’s not meant to do Graphic designs, it’s meant to pick up your email, surf the web, and word documents, and thing more is pushing it’s limits. And really what else does the average person use there computer for? I think the Mac Air Is a great idea for some one who wants to keep a low profile note book. Good Work Mac, and if you compare it to Sony’s Flash based computer it’s over 1,000$ cheaper. With its wireless optical drive who needs one really? I will give you the battery was a bad design choice

  3. mike Avatar

    i completely agree….. but people want slim laptops so here it it the slimmest possible laptop if they wanted a good laptop they would get the pro like me 😀

  4. McQ Avatar

    Pssst… Hey “jake”,

    If you’re looking for your comments, check your email. I sent you a note. If you answer it, I’ll release them from moderation.

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