Camile’s new home

Ken asked me to post some pictures of Camile’s new home in Lord of the Rings Online. Here they are:

Outdoor shot with falls in the background

Camile practicing her lute by the fire

The house is very small inside — small enough that I had to decide between having a table or a bed — but it’s home.


7 responses to “Camile’s new home”

  1. Kevin McGuire Avatar

    It looks lovely!

    Can we help with furnishings? Housewarming party?

  2. Dave Carter Avatar
    Dave Carter

    A lovely view of the waterfall too. Very nice, although I gather the guess accomodations are rather cramped?

  3. Randy Noah Avatar
    Randy Noah

    I’m impressed. Riverfront property! Beside a waterfall to boot. Must be nice to kick back with a beer and watch the ducks float by.

  4. McQ Avatar

    No need to contribute to furnishing the place. It’s only two small rooms. I’m going to do a bit more, but probably not much. I’d be much more interested in setting up a guild house, so it’s worth saving our money for that, once we reach guild rank 7.

  5. McQ Avatar

    The bench you can see in the interior shot is one of a total of two “large” furniture slots. The other one has my bed in it, So, yes it is pretty cramped.

  6. […] LotRO continues to be one of the most visually stunning MMOs available today. The visual design does an excellent job of capturing the feel of Tolkien’s world, and some of the in game vistas are sufficiently beautiful that it’s worth travelling to those spots just to see them. To give you some idea what I’m talking about, you can check out a previous post that showcased my main character’s in game house: Camile’s new home […]

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