I’m traveling next week.

Next week is EclipseCon 2008, and this year I’m going. Those of you who know me, understand how big a deal that is. I really don’t like to travel; I feel about travel pretty much the way most people feel about getting a limb amputated.

Despite that, if the prelude was any indication, I expect it will be a very exciting conference this year. I’m looking forward to talking f2f with many of the people who are active in the community that I know only from mailing lists and bugzilla.

I fly out Sunday, and will be back in the city on Friday. Wish me luck. 🙂


One response to “I’m traveling next week.”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Hey, see you there. Typing this from the Air New Zealand lounge about to venture to Vancouver, then to San Fran, then I have no idea to Santa Clara.

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