My vote (in Canada) and a U.S. political note

I hate the idea of strategic voting. I’ve always been a strong believer in voting for the party/candidate that most strongly reflects your world view. This year, however, I’m strongly tempted to vote Liberal (even though I think they’re idiots), simply because I believe the prospect of having a Conservative majority in government *now*, at the point when the world is about to go through a significant upheaval would be tragic.

The thing is, when I look at the state of the world — ecologically, socially, and economically — and how I feel that we will have to respond to it, it’s clear that the party that best reflects my views is the Greens. I also believe that many, many others in Canada feel the same way.

The NDP are also close, if they could just figure out that sometimes “Environment first” is going to have to trump “People first”, so that our kids get to have a world worth living in too.

So what to do… hm…

Btw, do you realize that if the Americans aren’t careful, they may end up with a vice-president who believes that Christ will return during her lifetime (or at least believed this at one point during her life).

Random, unrelated question: Is insanity grounds for disqualification for leadership in the U.S.?


5 responses to “My vote (in Canada) and a U.S. political note”

  1. McQ Avatar

    Here’s a handy dandy link to the Greens. (btw, I own a copy of Jane Jacobs’ Dark Age Ahead. If you’re in Ottawa, I can lend it to you.)

  2. Patrick Mueller Avatar

    What an idiot: “Is insanity grounds for disqualification for leadership in the U.S.?”. Of course not. Insanity is a requirement for leadership in the U.S. Apparently.

  3. Nick Edgar Avatar

    Sure, I wouldn’t mind borrowing “Dark Age Ahead”.

  4. McQ Avatar

    Ah! It all makes so much more sense now. Thanks, Pat! 😛

  5. […] any case, I find myself once again trying to figure out how to vote. When I look at the various political parties I see effectively […]

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