It’s Spring!

Ah, Ottawa in the Spring. What a wonderful time of year. Birds singing, the grass starting to show, the trees budding…

To give some of you less fortunate ones a chance to understand what their missing, here’s a shot from outside my house this morning:

Just beautiful.


3 responses to “It’s Spring!”

  1. Boris Bokowski Avatar

    On the plus side, our maple tree is producing sap again because of the sub-zero temperatures at night. Though to be honest, I’d trade maple syrup for some Spring warmth any time. 🙂

  2. Stacey Avatar

    Just think – 8 more months before the start of winter, ha!

  3. Debbie Wilson Avatar

    I blasted Mother Nature for that one too. Wonder what’s going to happen when I take the snow tires off both our cars 🙂

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