Update on Lucky’s health

For those who hadn’t heard, Lucky developed some kind of severe G-I issue more than a week ago, which we were unable to get under control despite several visits to the vet and everything we tried at home. This eventually culminated in us admitting him at the Ottawa Veterinary Hospital on Friday night.

The great news is that he seems to have stabilized, under the excellent monitoring and care of the OVH staff, and we brought him home again today. He’s still on several different meds, and is getting many small meals of a custom “Gastro” diet, but hopefully a few more days of TLC will have him all fixed up. We still don’t know whether there is some underlying issue that needs to be resolved, but for now we are not going to go for further tests, unless he gets worse.

Update: We’re not out of the woods yet; he was off his food again this morning (Tues). 🙁

Update 2: We’re now on a third antibiotic. As long as we can prevent his appetite from failing again, this one should do it. (Thurs.)


2 responses to “Update on Lucky’s health”

  1. Brenda Butler Avatar
    Brenda Butler

    So, any more updates?

  2. McQ Avatar

    Apologies for not getting back to comment on this. Lucky is ok again.

    He’s still not back to his old, playful self, and we’re somewhat worried that he won’t be able to bounce back completely, given his age, but the stomach issues have all disappeared, and he doesn’t appear in distress.

    Here’s hoping he lives to a ripe old age.

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