Just a reminder to everyone that the Divertimento Orchestra of Ottawa and the Kanata Choral Society are playing two joint concerts this weekend. The program is:
- Franz Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
- Antonín Dvorák – “Largo” from the New World Symphony
- Wolfgang Mozart – Regina Coeli K.108
- Walter Babiak – Movin’ in My Heart
The Babiak is a world premier. It has never been recorded or publicly performed, so it should be quite exciting. Here’s where we will be playing:
Friday, November 25, 2005
Orleans United Church
1111 Orléans Blvd., Orléans
8 p.m.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
20 Young Rd., Kanata
7:30 p.m.
Note that the Friday concert is at 8pm, but the Saturday concert is at 7:30. Also, there’s a hockey game at the Corel Center on Saturday night, so you might want to factor in a little extra travel time.
Tickets are available at the door: Adults: $15.00. Students/Seniors: $12.00. Children 12 and under: Free. I hope to see you there. (Look for me on the third cello desk.)
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