Snowboarding season has started

Dennis and I went with Randy and Tim and Katie to Pakenham last weekend. We’ve all got season’s passes, so we wanted to go up and get our photos taken and maybe get in a few runs. As it happens there weren’t many runs open, but there was lots of snow on the ones that were, and we had a ball. Tim tried out snowboarding for the first time (and I’m sure he’ll be much better in no time. :-)).

Of course, I’m so out of shape that I only managed about 2.5 hours before I had to give up, and at that point I was so tired I could barely move. Oh well, as long as I keep at it, I should be in *much* better shape by the end of the season.

Deb and Stacie are going to take downhill skiing lessons this year, which means both families will likely be up there every weekend once the lessons start in January. It should be a tons of fun.


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