Christmas was lots of fun this year. I got up early and fed the dogs (as usual) but Dennis and Deb slept in until after 8am. Once we were all mobile, we checked out our stockings and our “Santa gifts”, which this year were new TVs for both the living room and Dennis’ room downstairs. Actually, Dennis got our “old” TV (which is a top-of-the-line 35″ Sony CRT) + a cable connection of his own + the PVR, so he was quite pleased. It also came as a complete surprise to him, which was an added bonus.
The new living room set is this one:
(No image available.)
Every year, we alternate who we spend Christmas day with between Deb’s parents and mine. This year it was Deb’s turn so, after playing with our new toys a bit, we scrambled around the house, breakfasting, showering, dressing and packing up Christmas gifts, and then headed over to Stacey’s place for a day with the Marshalls. Since we all brought our intra-family gifts as well as the inter-family gifts, there was a massive pile of presents under the tree:
public/IMG_0048.JPG (Image no longer available.)
We spent the rest of the day there, except for a couple of hours that I went home with Dennis to let the dogs out (and have a nap ;-)). Supper was a massive turkey. It was so large that even Grandma Marshall’s largest roasting pan couldn’t hold it!
In summary, a good time was had by all. We even spent some time in the evening playing and singing Christmas carols with Katie on piano and Deb and I on cellos. Next year, we may even practice before hand, which will make it even more fun.
Tonight we head over to my family’s place for the second half of Christmas, with supper and presents with the rest of the Wilsons.
Peace, all. May your entire year be as much fun as Christmas has been for us. Ho ho ho.
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