Forest Fires (Updated)

Most of Ottawa awoke this morning to the smell of smoke. The source, according to CBC, is forest fires from Quebec. I’m not happy about the lack of certainty in their description, particularly since they also indicated that firetrucks are driving around the city to see if there was something else going on. Hm…

As Kim Horne said, “Is Ottawa on fire?”

Smoke haze visible through the front window of my car

Smoke haze visible through the front window of my car

Update: The air quality index for Ottawa was 132 (== very poor) today. Normally, at this time of the year, it’s around 30. Today is not a good day to be doing outdoor excercise.


One response to “Forest Fires (Updated)”

  1. Coreen Avatar

    When I woke up I thought for sure the Carp dump was on fire. Bill walked the dogs with a cell phone in case one of our neighbours was a la feu. There’s no way that smelled like a normal forest fire, that smelled like garbage burning. I’m so happy it rained today. g

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