Does anyone else find it frustrating that sometimes, even though all parties involved in a situation are acting in good faith, no matter much effort is put into it, it ends badly?
Back on Tiger
The site has been restored on Tiger. There is still a bit of clean up to do, but it’s back. Happy Reading. 🙂
No Tigers here
I picked up Tiger last night, but the DVD in the box was corrrupt. I tried cleaning it with a lens grade cleaning cloth (radial strokes only), and then tried it in both my Macs. In each case, it failed the “verifying your DVD” check at the 68% mark. I’m going to go down to the Mac shop again today to see if they still have any copies left that I can swap for.
On a related note: I’m going to back up this site (and the MySQL database that WordPress runs on) before I upgrade. I haven’t heard of any problems getting it all running on Tiger, but if you can’t find us for a while over the next few days, at least you’ll know why.
Knitter’s road trip
Deb is away Thursday to Sunday this week. She and the Knit Wits are off doing whatever it is that they do when at Brown’s Bay. What I really like about that is that it’s proof that she’s mostly mended from the operation. Yay!
The season is over.
Divertimento played their last two concerts for the season this weekend. The Friday night concert was ok, but the Saturday concert was considerably better. Luckily, my family all came to the Saturday night show. Both concerts were recorded, and CDs are being made.
Now I have to switch gears and start thinking about practicing the pieces for Sandra (my cello teacher). I really would like to go back to the orchestra in the fall able to play better than I can now, not lousy from a summer of goofing off on my practice. I guess we’ll see how well that wish translates into reality.
My new bike
In the better late than never dept…
I got a new bike last week. It’s a softtail from Rocky Mountain Bicycles called a “Carve”. Very nice. There are some reviews of it
Can’t find the original review site, but here is a pointer to a site with a description.
I was off work yesterday.
I missed a day yesterday, with severe stomach problems. Given that Deb just finished a run of anti-biotics to take care of a similar problem, I was somewhat worried. However, I seem to be nearly 100% again today, so I suspect I may have just poisoned myself with the BBQ on the weekend. Must. Buy. Better. Hamburger.
Slow news day
There’s a picture of the fire on the front page of the Citizen, with some more details on page 10. They don’t actually match exactly the version of the story we heard from the fire dept., but I guess that’s typical in these kinds of things. It was interesting to see just how many versions of the story could be generated by people wandering around and telling each other their guesses.
(If you happen to have an electronic subscription to the Citizen,
hereis a link to the article.)Update: Another (more sensational, as usual) version of the story can be found at the
Sun. -
OMG! Get the dogs!
This is as close as I ever want to get to having our house burn down:
It started in the house two doors down from us, which was totalled. It moved to the next door neighbour’s house before the fire dept. got here, but they managed to save about half of it. Our house is fine. The only damage we had was a section of fence that was crushed as the firefighters went through. I’m sure our neighbours aren’t as happy, but I have to say that was a damn good job they did. There must have been eight trucks on the street.
To recap the story from my point of view: I was just walking out of the neighbourhood Home Depot when I saw fire burning in the distance. I had just finished thinking, “hm… that looks close to Great Castle Wilson”, when the phone rang. It was Deb calling to say that she had gotten Dennis and the dogs into the van and they were parked down the street, and I should “COME HOME RIGHT NOW!”. Apparently, Dennis was a big help, wrestling the dogs into the van (note: they both individually weigh more than he does), since Deb could not do it because of her operation.
Anyway, we’re all safe, back at home, and GCW was not damaged.
Update: In case you haven’t been to GCW before, it’s the house with all the firemen standing in the driveway.
Well we got the barbeque out last night and made our first batch of “burgs&dogs” for the year. Yes, they tasted great. Yes we’ll start inviting people over as soon as I repair the winter damage to our deck table (it got crushed under a pile of ice).