• PSP as a web browser

    Well I’ll be jiggered — it actually works! Check this out:

    Looks like only one font, and a bunch of missing features, but it rendered most of the pages I went to (including my homepage as shown above) well enough that it would be usable in a pinch. Not so sure about https, though — meaning it wouldn’t be a good choice for getting your mail remotely. Oh well, if it works this well, it’s definitely possible for them to put together an “internet suite”. I’d buy it.

  • Untold Legends

    Now this is my kind of PSP game. Good graphics, reasonable music, fast paced gameplay. It’s basically a cross between Diablo and Gauntlet. My only real complaint is that I can’t tilt the camera far enough to see down the corridor. If it supported an over the shoulder camera (a la World of Warcraft) it would be really sweet.

  • It’s Easter, and the tubes are gone.

    The vestiges of Deb’s operation are finally all gone. She’s a bit more sore today, but otherwise is in very good spirits. We’re going over to S&R’s for dinner. ‘hope to see you there. 🙂

  • “The Champions”

    For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this vague recollection about a TV show about 3 people who had some kind of psychic powers that they used to fight crime. That was basically all I could remember, except that there was something about water shooting up into the air (like from a fire hose) in the opening credits.

    Quite by accident, I ended up surfing to Clivebanks where I finally learned the answer to this mystery. The show is called “The Champions”. You can read about it and a host of other random old sci-fi/fantasy shows by following that link. Anybody remember Joe 90?

  • I like it.

    Got the PSP and a couple of games (Tony Hawk, Dynasty Warriors). The PSP was bundled with Gretzky and the Spiderman 2 movie. Capsule summary: very nice screen, reasonable battery life, movies play well off the MS. The largest MS pro duo I could find locally was 512 Meg. Is the 1Gig one out yet?

  • Woot! PSP comes tomorrow.

    The guy from EB called me today to say that my “PSP Gretsky bundle” was in. I said to him, “Have I ever bought a sports game from you?”. He thought about it for a moment, and said, “No, I don’t think you have.” (I have over the years spent thousands of dollars at that particular EB, and they really do know my buying habits.)

    In any case, it turns out that I am getting the Gretsky bundle since that is the only one that was still available at the time I pre-ordered. Oh well. I’m not going to let $50 get in the way of me getting a PSP on the first day!

  • Ears

    Dennis and I both got our left ears pierced yesterday. By going together, we didn’t have to pay twice. Basically, they will pierce two ears at one sitting — it doesn’t matter if they’re on the same head or not. I’ve had mine done before, but let it grow in again at one point. Dennis thinks his is pretty cool though. 🙂

  • Deb is doing ok.

    She seems to tire very quickly, but as long as she’s getting lots of sleep and not moving around too much, she seems to be her chipper self again. Of course, I’m sure she’ll be doing even better once the er… “last remaining remnant” of the operation is removed a week from tomorrow. Until then she’ll be pretty tied to the house.

  • Mac printing

    Great Castle Wilson is a mixed PC/Mac shop. I have one machine (the G5 that runs this site) on all the time, and I wanted to connect our printer to it. I had hoped to have all of the PCs print to it, but I was unable to convince them to, regardless of whether I used Samba or lpd printing. I finally just connected the printer to one of the PCs, turned on the LPD service and use IP printing on the Macs. The truly odd thing about this is that given (what obviously only appears to be) two identically configured Macs, one will happily print on the XP box, while the other one will not. *sigh*.

  • Well, we’re home.

    Deb got out of the hospital today. She managed to take a shower before I got there, and she made it through the ride home, past the enthusiastic guard dogs and all the way to the living room before she was too tired to go further. Not bad for the day after surgery. She’s currently napping on the couch. We’ll try to make it upstairs later today.