Day 1

We got in last night around 20h00. The plane ride was fine — a bit bumpy and it took about 25min longer than it should have, but it worked. The hotel room is reasonably nice:

Nothing interesting is supposed to happen until 10h00, but we’re meeting for breakfast in a few minutes, so I’m going to head out.


One response to “Day 1”

  1. Debbie Avatar

    Heck we had more excitement here. Dennis’s headcold seems to be better today. I turned of his alarm and told him he could stay home from school again today. He promptly went back to sleep (if he was ever really awake) and slept 3 more hours.

    Today was garbage day and the doggie poop bag broke before I could haul it to the curb. My winter coat needed to be washed anyway.

    And now I’m off to try and make sense of the household finances. Not sure what we’re having for dinner but I think it will include a nice bottle of white (and we’re not talking milk).

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