Day 2

One day finished, one left to go. Yesterday’s sessions varied a bit, but there were some good ones. The lecture by the guy from the Harvard Business School was actually pretty good. No answers, but he did give you something to think about.

We’ve got formal sessions until 15h00 today, but my team is getting together this evening too. Then it’s one more night in the hotel room and I get to head home.

See you tomorrow. 🙂


2 responses to “Day 2”

  1. Debbie Avatar

    Hope you got a chance to browse the MIT bookstore. That would have been worth the trip I’m sure.

  2. McQ Avatar

    Turns out there were 3 tech bookstores within a block of our hotel. I took a little time out this aft and went to see them all.

    I won’t be writing anything tomorrow morning, I have to be up at 5:30 to get to the flight. See you tomorrow.

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