[Update: After Ken’s ever so subtle hint, I feel compelled to warn you that this article contains numerous spoilers. Sorry, Ken.]
Who thought it was a good idea to wreck every interesting character?
- Adama? — losing his grip
- Baltar? — getting a conscience(!)
- Apollo? — a fat slob
- Starbuck? — turning into a Cylon sympathizer
- Colonel Tigh? — an absolute raving psycho
- Laura Roslin? — shot. (ok, I’ll give you that one; I saw her in the trailer for next week’s episode, so…)
Man, I smell a Matrix sequel!
Even the g.d. cylons have gone nuts. Guys, I get it: Cylons are starting to behave like people. Did you think we wanted to see that? Ask yourself this: If you blur every distinction in the damn series, what are you left with? My guess: Another generic “rebels versus the empire” story.
And for the record, “stepping over the line” into suicide bombing as a fucking plot device is so absolutely unfeeling that I was speechless when I saw it. Who do these morons think they are?
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