I didn’t like the Battlestar Galactica season opener.

[Update: After Ken’s ever so subtle hint, I feel compelled to warn you that this article contains numerous spoilers. Sorry, Ken.]

Who thought it was a good idea to wreck every interesting character?

  • Adama? — losing his grip
  • Baltar? — getting a conscience(!)
  • Apollo? — a fat slob
  • Starbuck? — turning into a Cylon sympathizer
  • Colonel Tigh? — an absolute raving psycho
  • Laura Roslin? — shot. (ok, I’ll give you that one; I saw her in the trailer for next week’s episode, so…)

Man, I smell a Matrix sequel!

Even the g.d. cylons have gone nuts. Guys, I get it: Cylons are starting to behave like people. Did you think we wanted to see that? Ask yourself this: If you blur every distinction in the damn series, what are you left with? My guess: Another generic “rebels versus the empire” story.

And for the record, “stepping over the line” into suicide bombing as a fucking plot device is so absolutely unfeeling that I was speechless when I saw it. Who do these morons think they are?



2 responses to “I didn’t like the Battlestar Galactica season opener.”

  1. Ken Walker Avatar

    Oops, haven’t seen it yet. Oh well, I guess since you’ve got my hopes down, I won’t be looking forward to anything spectactular thus it will appear better to me. Did it hit Canada yet?

  2. McQ Avatar

    Yes, Saturday nights at 9pm on Space. They showed the first two episodes last weekend. I recorded them, but I imagine there are better versions floating around the torrents.

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