While waiting for the rest of my family to awaken this morning, I happened upon Star Wars episode 3 showing on one of the pay tv stations. I find it interesting that even though I wasn’t happy with the way episodes 1..3 went, I still find the strength of the myth to be extremely compelling.
Is it possible that the Star Wars mythos transcends the marketing that brought it into being? Outside of the mainstream religions, what stories are known by as many people, the world over, as Star Wars is? There have been literally hundreds of books written in and about the Star Wars universe. It’s touched every media that mankind has invented. I wonder if, when whatever species succeeds humanity on this planet searches the archeological record of this time period, they will assume that SW was a religion? Heck, maybe it is, I don’t know.
I do know that, whenever I watch a Star Wars movie, I get inspired. Sometimes I write music; sometimes I write more of my own fiction; whatever happens, I think about my place in the world, and whether I’m on the side of light or of dark.
Ya, I know, that’s pretty corny, but people get inspiration from some pretty strange places, and I bet even post-JarJar there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way.
“May the force…” (you know the rest (/em winks))
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