We got new carpets last Thursday. With all the moving that we had to do for that, plus the reorganization that was required to get Dennis’ work area in shape for a new school year, it seemed like a good time to do a major cleanup.
To be honest, this ended up being significantly more than a “major” cleanup; perhaps “grand, intergalactic plot” might cover it better. For example, Dennis and I managed to get 17 green garbage bags full of old “stuff” out of our rooms(!). This doesn’t include the furniture, books, puzzles, lego (including the mindstorms) and electronic equipment that we are selling/giving away.
Deb is going through her books and trying to prune them back to only 5 bookshelves full. Those of you who know her will understand how much of a challenge that is.
In any case, below are a couple of pictures of what my room looks like now. Time will tell how well throwing away my past history has worked, but there’s certainly more room to move around.

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