
Below find the posting I made to the Oie Jedoonee mailing list…

Effective immediately, I am canceling my WoW account.

I have had fun playing WoW, and I still enjoy hanging out with you guys on Sunday nights, but lately I feel like we have lost focus. I honestly believe that the game mechanics are most of the problem here: I hate the group size limit. I think it’s too easy to solo (or pickup group) your way through the game. I find too many of the quests at our level are common between alliance and horde (and so I’ve done them with Bais)…

I also think that the thing which I thought would help us — playing Alliance during the week and Horde on the weekend — has actually hurt instead: I just don’t have any emotional attachment to my horde character. Every Sunday night I think “Too bad I can’t play Bais instead.”

Basically though it’s just that I’ve seen enough of WoW to realize that I know the mechanics. Did I do a large scale raid? No, but I know that it will just be more of the same, except for having more rigid constraints on your roles and less margin for error. Honestly, I’m not in it for that. I have seen almost every zone (gotta love rogues), and I’ve played both sides far enough to know most of the quests. That’s enough for me.

I also have a number of other constraints on my time:
– It’s orchestra season again. I completely failed to practice over the summer, and am struggling with the music. I *need* to make cello a priority again.
– I’m starting a new project at home: I’m going to work with my dad to do a genealogy of our family.
– Dennis is back in school, and I suspect that I am going to have to spend even more time working with him on his homework this year.

And lastly, I took a look at our finances after putting in new carpets and new living room furniture and going on vacation, and it became clear that we need to spend less. Given the other arguments above, this seemed like an obvious way to save some money.

As usual, I’m sure I will get involved with “the next big thing” when it comes along, but for now, I’m done.

Thanks for all the awesome times,

FAQ #1: Can I have your stuff?
A: No. Canceling the account means I won’t be playing for a while. Giving up my stuff means that I would *never* play again.


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